1. The Space Object

The Space Object

The space object provides information such as the space ID, the space name, the list of languages available and configured in the space, the cache version parameter, and the domain related to the space.

The latest update timestamp (version) is mainly used to retrieve the cached content and invalidate the content cache.


  • id


    The space ID

  • name


    The space name

  • domain


    The domain associated with the space (configured as the default environment for the Visual Editor).

  • version


    The timestamp of the latest changes in the space. This is useful for filling the cv parameter, for example, calling the story API endpoint.

  • language_codes


    An array of language i18n codes, representing all languages that are configured in the space.

Example Object
  "space": {
    "id": 123456,
    "name": "Storyblok",
    "domain": "https://www.storyblok.com/",
    "version": 1544117388,
    "language_codes": ["de", "es"]