1. Possible Field Types

Possible Field Types

Following are the possible field types inside Storyblok.

Field Type Description
bloksBlocks: a field to interleave other components in your current one
textText: a text field
textareaTextarea: a text area
richtextRichtext: a richtext field
markdownMarkdown: write markdown with a text area and additional formatting options
numberNumber: a number field
datetimeDate/Time: a date and time picker
booleanBoolean: a checkbox - true/false
optionSingle-Option: a single dropdown
optionsMulti-Options: a list of checkboxes that allows multi-select
assetAsset: Single asset (images, videos, audio, and documents)
multiassetMulti-Assets: (images, videos, audio, and documents)
multilinkLink: an input field for adding links like internal linking to other stories, emails etc.
tableTable: a field for table format
sectionGroup: no input possibility - allows you to group fields in sections
customPlugin: Extend the editor yourself with a color picker or similar. Please take a look at Introduction to Field Plugins
imageImage (old): a upload field for a single image with cropping possibilities
fileFile (old): a upload field for a single file
Example Object
"field_key": {
  "type": "text", // <-- field type