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  • Url resolving added to Content Delivery API

    Changes in: api

    The content delivery api has now the possibility for link resolving of items like global navigation items. With the parameter resolve_links and the values story and url the developer can now choose between resolving a link as "story" or as a smaller "url" object.

      "story": {
        "content": {
          "link": {
            "id": "f5c956e6-66a9-4f0b-a530-2ae88b9689a6",
            "url": "", // entered URL if external link
            "linktype": "story",
            "fieldtype": "multilink",
            "cached_url": "my-folder/my-cached-url" // a cached URL based on time of publication
      "story": {
        "content": {
          "link": {
            "id": "f5c956e6-66a9-4f0b-a530-2ae88b9689a6",
            "url": "", // entered URL if external link
            "linktype": "story",
            "fieldtype": "multilink",
            "cached_url": "my-folder/my-cached-url", // a cached URL based on time of publication
            "story": { // NEW story object inside the link field of yours
              "name": "My Linked Entry",
              "id": 669642,
              "uuid": "f5c956e6-66a9-4f0b-a530-2ae88b9689a6",
              "slug": "my-updated-url",
              "full_slug": "my-folder/my-updated-url", 
              "url": "my-folder/my-updated-url" // <-- URL that can be used for links and will stay up2date