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Setup Pipeline and Releases


This documentation is out of date. Please checkout our new documentation: Content Authoring about this topic.

With Storyblok’s pipeline stages you can set-up a content staging workflow. To run a reliable production environment it is crucial to define different pipeline stages to test your content on pre stages to make sure that the production content is ready for public. To do so we’ve introduced our pipeline staging feature, allowing you to define a strict content pipeline through different stages, where each stage can be accessed from the API.

Pipeline Stage

Each space already ships with a default pipeline stage, which is the Preview pipeline once this feature has been activated.

Pipeline Stage and Releases

You can setup more pipelines, eg. stages in the settings of each space. Above you can see an example setup with the Preview Pipeline Stage where you can apply different Releases, and Pipelines that can be used for test and production content stages.

You’re not forced to create the same structure as above, sometimes an easier setup with one the Preview and a Production Stage might be enough.

How to get content from a specific pipeline stage

To get the content from a specific pipeline stage you need to create a new access token for that pipeline stage. After you configured your pipeline stages you will see a select-box to choose your Pipeline Stage when creating an api-key in the space settings. We recommend using a different preview URL for each Pipeline Stage and use environment variables to set the right api-key for each domain.

How to configure the preview URL

For each stage you can define a preview URLs in the Pipeline Stage settings. A simple setup could look like this:

Preview url for Pipeline Stage

The Preview Pipeline Stage

By design the preview Pipeline Stage is the place where all the editors and developers work will happen. Content will be created, updated, and even whole structural changes are going to be made in this stage. The Preview stage will be the one place that can be deployed throughout the other Stages. Pipeline Stages, with the exception of this Preview Stage, are read only and each of the Pipeline Stage can have multiple releases and api-keys.

A Custom Pipeline Stage

Custom Pipeline Stages can be created in the settings of your space. By defining new Stages. Every custom Pipeline Stage is read only and can only be changed by deploying it’s source. Deploying content does not affect the draft or published state of each content entry.