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Icon Broken Links Checker View all broken links across all stories within a space. Icon Optimizely Get audiences directly from Optimizely Icon Shared components Use schema definitions of another space. Icon Advanced paths Programmable preview paths Icon Access Token Scopes Limit access of delivery api tokens. Icon Centra Connect your Centra ecommerce platform with Storyblok. Icon Saleor Connect your Saleor ecommerce platform with your content in Storyblok. Icon SAP Bridge the connection between your SAP ecommerce ecosystem with Storyblok. Icon Bynder Include Bynder assets into your content Icon Salesforce Commerce Cloud Pair your Salesforce ecommerce with Storyblok. Icon Smartling Effortlessly translate and localize your content with Smartling Icon CommerceLayer Connect your CommerceLayer ecommerce platform with Storyblok. Icon Commercetools Merge your commercetools ecommerce platform with Storyblok. Icon Sylius Connect your Sylius store with Storyblok for a unified content experience. Icon BigCommerce Merge your BigCommerce ecommerce platform with your content in Storyblok. Icon Spryker Build a connection between your Spryker ecommerce platform and Storyblok. Icon Shopware Create a seamless connection between Storyblok and your Shopware platform. Icon Vendure Integrate your Vendure ecommerce platform with your content in Storyblok. Icon Slack Connect Storyblok with your Slack workspace to receive updates on your space activities. Icon Star Rating Have your audience share their opinion on any topic by giving it a meaningful score. Icon Tags Create lists of strings with a simple interface.